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The King James Only Controversy Can You Trust Modern Translations? Updated and Expanded Edition

James White

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Modern Bible translations still come under attack from the King James Only camp. In this revision of a book continually in print for more than ten years, James R. White traces the development of Bible translations old and new, investigating the differences between versions like the NIV, NASB, and NKJV and the Authorized Version of 1611. Written with the layperson in mind, The King James Only Controversy leads the reader through the basic issues of the debate and into the more complex issues of textual criticism. Enlightening reading for all Christians. "Why a second edition? Fourteen years since the writing of the original has seen not only developments in the textual critical field, but the King James Only advocates have been writing books in that time as well, most of which seek to respond to my work. Some key examples, plus an expanded bibliography, bring the work up to date on that level. Further, those advocates have attempted to raise counter examples, and so the number of passages addressed in the work is expanded. During that time I have addressed this topic so many times that I have developed a number of useful illustrations to help the layperson understand the key issues, and these are included in the work as well. Finally, the explosion onto the scene of Bart Ehrman and his works on the New Testament are noted as well. As a result, the next edition of The King James Only Controversy will provide a valuable addition to the library of anyone seeking to understand the trustworthiness of the New Testament today." James R. White, explaining his reasoning for a revision of this book

Publisher: Baker
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780764206054


James R. White (DMin, Columbia Theological Seminary) is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, an evangelical reformed Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than 20 books, including What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an and The God Who Justifies. James and his wife live in Phoenix, Arizona. Visit


Very worthwhile book that covers the various shades of the KJV movement, from the reasonable "I like the KJV best" to the misguided "the KJV uses the best Greek manuscripts" to the "KJV is inspired and supersedes the Hebrew and Greek" nonsense. There is a helpful section on why the modern translations tend to use the Alexandrian texts: that they are older thus closer to the originals, while the Byzantine didn't become the majority until about a millennium later. Also explains the "expansion of piety" by later copyists which explains why the later versions had the title "Lord" next to Jesus Christ more often. So the new versions don't "take out" words; the KJV is based on later Greek texts that *added* words. Finally, there is an extended section on the specific verses that KJVO writings use as "proof" that the modern versions are corrupt. Dr White has also written books defending the Trinity and sufficiency of Scripture, and debated anti-Trinitarians and liberals, so his evangelical credentials are unquestionable.