A World of Difference Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test
At a time when Christian belief is constantly challenged, understanding different worldviews can help Christians think and live faithfully. Kenneth Samples's own life-and-death crisis encourages believers to develop a worldview perspective based on truth, critical thinking, and logic. In A World of Difference, he addresses the historic Christian worldview and evaluates four modern-day competitors--Islam, naturalism, postmodernism, and pantheistic monism. The use of nine distinct and challenging tests shows how all worldviews should be assessed. With compelling insight into Scripture, history, science, and theology, A World of Difference will challenge and strengthen your beliefs.
Publisher: Baker
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780801068225
Kenneth Richard Samples is a senior research scholar with Reasons To Believe, the premier science-faith integration ministry. An adjunct instructor of apologetics at Biola University, Samples is the author of Without a Doubt, A World of Difference, and 7 Truths That Changed the World. He lives in Southern California with his wife, Joan, and their three children.
"One of my biggest concerns for Christians struggling to make their way through the intellectual challenges of our age is that they often don't have the basic categories to think biblically about their own faith. This is also the case when they interact with competing truth claims. Ken Samples's A World of Difference will give them those categories. Ken Samples is a clear thinker and a gifted writer. This is an important and useful book for all thinking Christians." Kim Riddlebarger, cohost, The White Horse Inn; author, A Case for Amillennialism and The Man of Sin