Saved by Grace
A comprehensive, dynamic, and eminently practical presentation of the biblical teaching on salvation. In discussing the facets of the working out of salvation--the role of the Spirit, union with Christ, the gospel call, regeneration, conversion, repentance, and so on--Hoekema does away with the classical ordo salutis ("order of salvation') by viewing these facets largely as simultaneous aspects in the process of salvation rather than sequential steps on the way to salvation.
Publisher: Eerdmans
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780802808578
Anthony A. Hoekema was a Reformed minister and theologian. Born in the Netherlands, his family immigrated to the United States when he was 10 years old. He earned his BA from Calvin College, his MA from the University of Michigan, and his ThD from Princeton Theological Seminary. At Calvin College, he was associate professor of Bible for two years and professor of systematic theology for 21 years.
"In a day when thoroughgoing study of the doctrine of salvation has been jettisoned as impractical and irrelevant by the church at large, Saved by Grace serves an essential purpose. . . If you want your mind challenged by the lucid exposition of Scripture in relationship to the technicalities of God's saving work, if you want your passion rekindled regarding the manifold grace of God in the salvation of sinners, this book is for you. Buy it. Absorb it. Make its contents the preeminent message of your ministry." Reformation and Revival