The Everlasting Righteousness HOW SHALL MAN BE JUST WITH GOD?
How Shall Man Be Just with God? asks the subtitle of The Everlasting Righteousness. Here, indeed, is the greatest question a man may ask, and in this brief devotional study Horatius Bonar gives us the answer, an answer not to be found in man himself, but in God and the provision he has made in the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is a book which delights in ‘the righteousness found only in the substitution of the Lamb, and magnifies the worth and beauty of Christ… Horatius Bonar has given us a clear book of great value on the central doctrine of the church. His poetic style will warm the heart…and his clarity will equip the preacher with a lifetime of precious quotes.’
Publisher: Banner of Truth
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780851516554
Dr. Horatius Bonar (1808-89) is perhaps best-known today for his hymns, such as ‘I heard the voice of Jesus say’, ‘Thy way, not mine, O Lord’, and the communion hymn ‘Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face’. An older brother of Andrew A. Bonar, he was educated at Edinburgh High School and the University, where he was much influenced by Thomas Chalmers. After mission work in Leith, he was ordained as parish minister in Kelso in 1837, where he remained (after the 1843 Disruption and the formation of the Free Church) until 1867, when he was called to Chalmers Memorial Free Church in Edinburgh. He received a DD from the University of Aberdeen in 1853, and was Moderator of the Free Church Assembly in 1883. Influenced by Edward Irving, Bonar’s pre-millennial convictions regarding the Lord’s return were a feature of much of his minsitry.
‘Written in 1874 and republished by The Banner of Truth in 1993, The Everlasting Righteousness stands (in my opinion) as the greatest book on the importance of the Cross and our imputed righteousness. It is clear, concise, devotional and beautifully written…. If you are looking for a readable book that exalts the Cross-centered life, relishes in the righteousness found only in the substitution of the Lamb, and magnifies the worth and beauty of Christ, turn to a talented hymn writer. Horatius Bonar has given us a clear book of great value on the central doctrine of the church. His poetic style will warm the heart after multiple readings and his clarity will equip the preacher with a lifetime of precious quotes.’ TONY REINKE