Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons
‘I have not heard such preaching for years. . .I wish every minister of the Lord in America could have heard the sermons I have heard from this anointed servant of the Lord.’ So wrote Dr. Wilbur M. Smith of Fuller Theological Seminary, in Moody Monthly, after hearing Martyn Lloyd-Jones preach an evangelistic sermon from the Old Testament. In this volume a major selection of such sermons is now published for the first time, and the reasons for Wilbur Smith’s enthusiasm will become clear. For while much of Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ published expositions are designed to help those who are already Christians, he regarded himself, first of all, as an evangelist. Recognizing that no-one is a Christian by nature, he saw that the primary calling of the church lay in presenting the message of the gospel to the non-believer, the unconcerned and the sceptic.
The question of how to preach the gospel effectively today is difficult for many to answer; that it can be done from the Old Testament is frequently doubted. The importance of this volume lies in the way it illustrates the answer to these difficulties. Its pages are alive with the power of the gospel expressed in sermons which unintentionally provide models to encourage similar biblically relevant and powerful preaching.
Called from his background of medicine and science, Lloyd-Jones, first in South Wales, then in the heart of London, exercised an enormously influential ministry. He consistently sounded the notes of the folly of faith in man with all his moral failure, and of the glory of the gospel of Christ in whom alone salvation and hope are to be found. Again and again these sermons demonstrate that the Christian faith is not merely another religion among many; it alone has the message which can bring us to the knowledge of God and make this life the way to heaven.
Publisher: Banner of Truth
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9780851516837
Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981), minister of Westminster Chapel in London for 30 years, was one of the foremost preachers of his day. His many books have brought profound spiritual encouragement to millions around the world.
Very interesting how Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains Old Testament passages for his evangelistic Sunday evening services. Edifying for every Christian. Don’t read these sermons out of interest only, but read them with the prayer that God will give you more knowledge of yourself and of God. This book reminds me again that I am a pilgrim bound for the Promised Land. Martijn de Groot