Ezekiel, God Strengthens
Ezekiel lived in times of great political turmoil and witnessed the final collapse of Judah to the Babylonian empire. His total, unquestioning willingness to do God's will, often at great cost to himself, during the long years of his faithful ministry in exile, is a shining example to Christian workers everywhere. The message of Ezekiel is one of God's faithfulness to his covenant, both in carrying out judgement on sin and in the restoration and blessing of a remnant through the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The prophet's final vision looks forward to days of great blessing, encompassing not only the restoration from exile, but the blessings of the new convenant and the final glory of heaven.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780852343104
Dr Derek Thomas holds a PhD in Calvin's preaching on Job and is the Senior Minister at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina. He is also the Professor of Historic and Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Atlanta. Dr Thomas has written other titles published by Evangelical Press; these include commentaries on Isaiah and Ezekiel in the Welwyn Commentary Series, as well as Making the most of your Devotional Life, Help for hurting Christians, Serving the King and Mining for wisdom.