Be My Witnesses Christ's last words: our first concern
Every sincere Christian will want to fulfil the sacred duty and tremendous privilege of sharing the gospel. It is liberating to know that we do not have to be bound to one method of evangelism. In advocating relational evangelism this work offers many practical guidelines for being faithful witnesses. Evangelism is a two-way conversation that requires sensitive and flexible interaction which avoids religious jargon.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780852349267
Kieran Beville is pastor of Lee Valley Bible Church (Baptist), Ballincllig, Co. Cork, Ireland, and visiting professor of Intercultural Studies and Practical Ministry at Tyndale Theological Seminary, Amsterdam. He has taught Theology and Biblical Studies on leadership training programmes in Eastern Europe, the Middle-East and Asia. He has authored several books and numerous articles and has spoken at conferences on the themes of mission, preaching and postmodernism.
"In this easy to read book Kieran Beville expresses his passionate concern for Christians to be witnesses to the Gospel. He helpfully draws out principles from a range of New Testament passages and applies them in very practical ways to our daily lives. He reminds us that our witness is not only what we say but what we are and affirms the priority of living a consistent Christian life every day. On a number of occasions in the book Kieran moves naturally from encouraging Gospel witness to proclaiming the Gospel itself!"
Peter Milson, Director of Affinity and former director of UFM Worldwide