The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are important in appreciating the background to the post-exilic prophets and in understanding the period when Chronicles was compiled and the psalms were arranged in their present form. More significantly, as the author of this excellent commentary indicates, Ezra and Nehemiah focus on the people of God, the house of God and the ambivalent attitude of the Jews toward their Persian masters, teaching many lessons for today’s church and pointing to the temple-city of the new Jerusalem.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780852349861
Rev Dr Greg Goswell is the Academic Dean and Lecturer in Biblical Studies (Hebrew and Old Testament) at Christ College, The Presbyterian Theological Centre, Sydney Australia. He co- editied with Allan Harman the book Covenant and Kingdom: A Collection of Old Testament Essays by William J. Dumbrell (2007) and he is the author of numerous peer-reviewed journal articles in both Old Testament and New Testament studies.
This is a masterpiece of scholarly yet spiritually beneficial comment. Philip H Eveson Former Principal and Lecturer in Old Testament exegesis and theology at the London Theological Seminary