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Resurrection and Redemption A study in Pauls Soteriology

Richard B. Gaffin

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A study of the structure of Paul's theology of Jesus' resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul's total theology.

Publisher: P & R
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780875522715


Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is professor emeritus of biblical and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.


What is central to Paul's soteriology? Is it individual redemption? Is it regeneration? Is the ordo salutis a good way to view salvation? Or is there a better way? Gaffin argues persuasively that the resurrection of Christ is the central event in the history of redemption and is the controlling factor in Paul's individual and corporate soteriology. He does detailed exegetical study of key NT passages on the resurrection. The exegetical studies are marvelous. From these studies Gaffin shows that union with Christ becomes the basis for all parts of our salvation. Our redemption, justification, adoption, sanctification, and glorification all come from our union with Christ. So these are not a string of events in our lives, but rather they are all consequences of being united to the life giving Spirit, which is Jesus. Then he shows how his conclusions should affect reformed dogmatics. Peter Jones's review here: