Christ's Return as King of Kings: A comprehensive biblical and devotional study of the second coming of Jesus Christ

Christ's Return as King of Kings: A comprehensive biblical and devotional study of the second coming of Jesus Christ

Brian A Russell

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Few subjects have generated as much heat as eschatology, but what is often missed is the precious and incontrovertible truth that the Lord Jesus Christ will one day return in glory. From the author s introduction: The world is moving on, not to chaos, but to Christ; to the glorious return of our Lord whose first coming to the world forever settled its destiny. That is what the biblical doctrine of the second coming guarantees: the manifestation of the victory of God over sin, death and Satan, bringing greater glory to His Name and greater good to humankind. History is the outworking of God s purposes, and all God s purposes centre on the first and second comings of Christ to the world.

Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780946462926


Brian A. Russell was born in South Africa and was converted at the age of seventeen. After working in the gold-mining industry for six years, he studied at the University of South Africa and the Baptist Theological College, Johannesburg, before entering the pastoral ministry in 1962. He has served churches in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Virginia, USA (where he now lives). He and his wife, Muriel, have three grown children. He is the author of Baptism - Sign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace and Totally Committed to Christ in addition to the books shown opposite.


For anyone interested in Millennialism this is an excellent book. Based faithfully on all the evidence in the Bible, the author has written a thoroughly readable book and you don't need to be academic or have degree in theology to understand it .anglophile