Covenant children today: physical or spiritual?
This book is an attempt to advance some of the biblical support for a Reformed credobaptist view of “covenant children” in the New Covenant.
Who exactly are the members of the New Covenant?
Is membership confined to those who have faith in Jesus Christ, or should the babies of believers be included and called “covenant children”?
How does membership in the Old Covenant differ from membership in the New Covenant?
These and other questions are asked and answered in this well-written book.
Publisher: RBAP
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780976003984
Alan Conner, Th.M., is the teaching elder at Northwest Bible Church, Oklahoma City, OK. He is also the author of The Fountain of our Faith: God or Man?
Alan Conner has scoured the New Testament to amass an abundance of evidence in favor of credobaptism–the view that only confessing believers should be baptized. Sam Waldron, Ph.D.