An Orthodox Catechism being the sun of Christian religion contained in the law and gospel
This catechism, first published in 1680, is a Particular (i.e., seventeenth-century Calvinistic) Baptist revision of the Heidelberg Catechism. The editors slightly revised the original for modern use. The book includes the original Preface by Collins, a Foreword by James M. Renihan, and an Introduction by Michael Haykin and G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.
Publisher: RBAP
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780980217919
Hercules Collins was a leading pastor among the seventeenth-century Particular Baptists. He published An Orthodox Catechism for the people under his pastoral care.
Hercules Collins’ revision of the Heidelberg Catechism is one of the most valuable and least-known resources in the history of Particular Baptist spirituality. An Orthodox Catechism (1680) combines the vitality of Continental Protestant piety with the clarity of New Testament churchmanship, and invites its readers into those spiritual and theological traditions which will do most to inform our minds, warm our hearts, and shape our practice. Crawford Gribben, Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen’s University Belfast