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Delight in the Word, biblical counsel for everyday issues

Paul Tautges

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Believers need wise biblical counsel to navigate today's perplexing society. Demonstrating the sufficiency of Scripture to aid in decision-making and answer the deepest cry of the heart, forty fresh pastoral "letters" offer contemporary perspectives and promote spiritual growth.

Publisher: Pleasant Word
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781414104300


Dr. Paul Tautges serves as senior pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. Previously, he served as a pastor in Wisconsin for twenty-two years. He is the husband of Karen and father of ten. Paul is also an adjunct professor of b


Paul Tautges has faithfully fed and led his flock for a decade. The wisdom in his book DELIGHT IN THE WORD is the fruit of his labor. These 40 meditations have nourished the sheep under his care, and I am confident as a pastor that they will be refreshing to any reader of any age in any context. Paul firmly holds to the absolute sufficiency of Scripture for the spiritual needs of man. This conviction, coupled with his warm pastor's heart, has delivered to the body of Christ a resource that will endure and bear much fruit. Thanks, Paul, for leading us to the still waters of God's Word. James D. Newcomer