Good News for Weary Women: Escaping the Bondage of To-Do Lists Steps and Bad Advice
Are you exhausted? Women today really do feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Every morning we are greeted with a long list of to-dos: get the kids up and out the door on time, have a meaningful quiet time, put in a full day of work (whether at home or at the office), spend an hour at the gym, prepare a healthy and delicious meal (organic and locally grown, of course), and make sure the sink sparkles before you go to bed. Oh, and don’t forget to look great and smile while you’re doing it. These are all good things to do, of course. The problem occurs when we start to feel as if our worth is measured by our to-do lists. And the messages we receive at church, on Facebook, and from the media only perpetuate these unrealistic expectations and create a relentless cycle of exhaustion. There is hope! God doesn’t judge us by how successful we are with our to-do lists. Instead, He calls us to faith. As you join Elyse on this journey, you will learn to free yourself from the endless stream of bad advice and discover the true rest God offers.
Publisher: Tyndale
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781414395388
Elyse Fitzpatrick (MA, Trinity Theological Seminary) is a counselor, a retreat and conference speaker, and the author of over twenty books, including Because He Loves Me; Comforts from the Cross; and Found in Him.
I am always giddy when I see Elyse Fitzpatrick is coming out with a new book. Her ministry to me in the gospel over the past few years is immeasurable. This book in particular though, I was most excited to read. This book in many ways, is a megaphone echoing what I’ve been through over the course of my Christian life...Her bold explanation of the gospel dispels every inclination in our hearts that we have to prove ourselves by a list of rules. I find myself standing behind her, feeling a bit braver now to jump up and down and shout, “YES!!!! AMEN!!!! THIS is the gospel!!!” to every burdened woman that I meet...As with all of her books, Elyse is real and honest about where she has trusted in rules instead of the gospel in her own life. She is candid and hilarious as usual, which is always refreshing and relatable. With each chapter she provides questions for reflection and in the appendix you’ll find a whole section of “Scriptures for Weary Women” that will serve you well in moments of discouragement. If I had the ability to purchase this book for every woman that I know, I would. I also encourage men to read it as well. While it is written specifically to the burdens that women experience as we pile rules on top of rules for ourselves, it is bold with the gospel proclamation:“It is finished” that each of us need daily. I think men will get a real sense of the way their sister’s in Christ are burdened by these things and will be able to come alongside and encourage us back to the gospel. To my sister’s who are struggling with to-do lists and rules that you can’t possibly keep up with, who, like me, know they are failing daily, this book will be a breath of fresh air to your weary soul. sarah Taras