God's Glory Revealed in Christ: Essays on Biblical Theology in Honor of Thomas R. Schreiner
Over his decades in Christian academia, Thomas R. Schreiner has created a diverse body of work in New Testament studies, biblical theology, and pastoral ministry. In honor of Schreiner’s ongoing work and commitment to faithful, winsome conversations about the central issues of our faith, editors Denny Burk, James M. Hamilton Jr. and Brian Vickers compiled nineteen essays addressing different aspects of biblical theology. These essays fall into four categories: Whole Bible Approaches to Biblical Theology as well as Major Themes and Issues, Background Issues, and Applications in Biblical Theology. Contributors discuss important topics, such as: dispensationalism, covenant theology, sanctification, and the kingdom of God and the public square. Readers of God’s Glory Revealed in Christ will deepen their understanding of biblical theology, learning, as Tom Schreiner has consistently modeled, how to apply biblical theology to life.
Publisher: B & H
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781462795581
Denny Burk is professor of biblical studies and director of The Center for Gospel and Culture at Boyce College. He also serves as associate pastor of Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. James M. Hamilton Jr. is professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also serves as pastor of preaching of Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. Brian Vickers serves as professor of New Testament interpretation and biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
“For a collection of essays to be a fitting expression of thanks to God for a man, it really should reflect the passions, interests, contribution and character of the man. This marvellous volume does all that and more. Tom Schreiner’s contribution to the life of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been remarkable - few have managed to live in the rarefied air of convoluted exegetical debates, to complete soaring biblical theological projects, to fight the good fight of the crucial issues of the day, to treat both ‘friend’ and ‘foe’ with quiet joy-filled grace whilst at the same time, being a passionate and committed preacher of the gospel in the local church. In the grace which God supplies, Tom has done all this and more. This Festschrift reflects this Christ-centred richness - it is remarkable in its breadth, depth, rigour and pastoral concern and in all this, is a worthy ‘thank offering’ for the life and ministry of Thomas R. Schreiner.” Gary Millar, principle, Queensland Theological College, Australia