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Recovering a Covenantal Heritage: Essays in Baptist Covenant Theology

ed Richard C Barcellos

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If you are interested in covenant theology, this book is for you. It in no way pretends to be a fully worked-out Baptist covenant theology. It contains essays by thirteen different authors who do not necessarily advocate the fine details of every contribution, something that is quite common with multiple-author works. After the Preface and Introduction, the first main section is historical. It seeks to set a historical-theological context for the reader. The second section discusses various biblical issues related to covenant theology. The third section of the book, though the shortest, seeks to put things together, though certainly not in any comprehensive sense. Recommendations by Voddie Baucham, Nathan Finn, Conrad Mbewe, Tom Nettles, and others!

Publisher: RBAP
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781499714487


Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D., is pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church (, Palmdale, CA, and author of In Defense of the Decalogue: A Critique of New Covenant Theology and Better than the Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective.


By recovering a covenantal theology that is central to biblical revelation, this book helps to re-signify the Baptist identity by grounding it in the biblical-covenantal framework and by showing its organic relationship to the Reformed faith. Leonardo De Chirico, Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione, Padova, Italy