Resilient, how 2 Timothy teaches us to bounce back in christian leadership
Being a Christian leader is a huge privilege. It is also a huge challenge. Paul, a man who knew how tough it could be, wrote a letter to his young friend who was at a crossroads in the ministry, to encourage resilience in the spiritual battle. John Benton looks at what 2 Timothy has to say about finding strength, recovering from discouragement and keeping going as a Christian leader.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527102101
John Benton is Director of Pastoral Support for The Pastors’ Academy at London Seminary. John & his wife Ann have written a number of books and at present are involved in a church planting venture. They are often asked to speak at Christian conferences.
Paul wrote to a young, scared and struggling Timothy, who sometimes found the ministry really hard. I am a 21st century Timothy, and therefore am so thankful to John for pointing me to the gold that’s in God’s word for weak pastors like me. If you’re a Timothy too, read this book. And if you know any Timothys, give them this book. May God use this resource to help young (and old) pastors everywhere find the much needed resilience that this book is all about.” Rhodri Brady, Pastor, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales