Light after darkness, how the reformers regained, retold and relied on the gospel of grace
The Protestant Reformers of the sixteenth century regained, retold, and relied on the gospel of grace — and we can learn from their tragedies and triumphs, their dark deeds and noble heroics. The stories of Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Thomas Cranmer remind us of the glorious truths which warmed the hearts and fired the souls of passionate and imperfect people, and how they tried to share the good news of Jesus Christ in their generation. Will it strengthen and inspire passionate and imperfect Christians today to emulate their clarity, their courage, and their compassion for the lost?
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781527103337
Dr. Lee Gatiss is the Director of Church Society, Editor of the NIV Proclamation Bible, and a Lecturer in Church History at Union School of Theology. He lives in Cambridge, UK.
In a winsome, yet honest and penetrating examination of some of its leading characters, Lee Gatiss shows how the Reformation sheds light on some of today’s vexing theological, ethical, and ecclesiastical questions. This insightful and at times provocative volume is further proof that the Reformation cannot be revisited too often, and sight of its lasting legacy must not be lost in successive generations.
Iver Martin, Principal, Edinburgh Theological Seminary, Edinburgh, Scotland