10 Dead Guys You Should Know, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Ten fascinating bite–sized biographies of the Christians people expect you to know. While Christians have always prized the Bible as our ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice, we also recognize that the Christian life is an intergenerational and communal activity. This collection of ten short biographies will introduce you to Christians from a variety of places and times, who all boldly preached the gospel, despite the risk to personal reputations and safety. How short–sighted it would be not to glean insights from our ancestors, whether that entails learning how to walk in their steps – or else avoiding their missteps. Written by Ian Maddock, Rachel Ciano and Stuart Colton, who all teach church history and edited by Ian Maddock. Each chapter has suggested further reading, and additional suggestions ‘for the adventurous’.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527106086
Ian Maddock (PhD, University of Aberdeen) serves as Senior Lecturer in Theology at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. He is author of ‘Men of One Book: A Comparison of Two Methodist Preachers, John Wesley and George Whitefield’ and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Each snapshot combines a brief biographical presentation with important lessons for the church to learn about obedience, faith, holiness, perseverance, courage, and mission. If readers are not familiar with these ten towering figures from the past, this book will bring them alive for today! Gregg R. Allison, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky