10 Women Who Overcame Their Past
This book contains the stories of ten women whose circumstances and choices led them to a place that seemed far removed from the fruitful, joy–filled life we are called to live in Christ. But each of their stories is a testament to the work God does through his imperfect children. Their stories will encourage and inspire, and remind you that you are not alone in your struggles. The names of some of these women are well–known, some are less so. The first five stories are about relationships with other people; the next five stories are about inner struggles. Through exploring how other women of Christ’s Kingdom began anew in him, you will be encouraged on your own path of joy and freedom. Although you may not be in the same position as these women, there are things we can learn from each of them. In every chapter, MacLeod focuses on bearing fruit for Christ even in these circumstances and includes questions to think through and discuss how the truths learned by these women could be applied to your own life.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527107878
Dayspring MacLeod splits her heart between her home country of America and her newer home of Scotland. She has considerable experience in writing for the Christian community, including a devotional column in an evangelical magazine and Christian biographies for both children and adults. She is also an editor and writes fiction in her spare time. Find her blog at mostreliable.wordpress.com.
Through these stories, we see women who overcame, but not in their own power and strength; rather, through the redemptive work of Christ on their behalf. In reading 10 Women, you’ll meet sisters in Christ whose lives and testimony both encourage and equip you to turn to Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith. Christina Fox, Counselor, retreat speaker and author