Did Adam Exist?
Can we still believe in a historical Adam? Vern Poythress offers a theologically and scientifically informed evaluation of the claims that genetic analyses show Adam could not have existed. Written to equip and strengthen laypeople in their defense of the faith, Christian Answers to Hard Questions challenges contemporary opposition to Christianity with concise, practical answers.
Publisher: P & R
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781596389175
Vern S. Poythress (MLitt, University of Cambridge; PhD, Harvard University; DTh, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) is distinguished professor of New Testament, biblical interpretation, and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has authored books on a wide range of topics; his works include Symphonic Theology, Theophany, and The Mystery of the Trinity.
“Most non-scientists don’t know what to make of scientific arguments questioning the historicity of Genesis, and most theologians do not feel competent to evaluate the scientific arguments or their reliability. Dr. Poythress, who is well informed on the subject, breaks down the main scientific arguments about human origins in ways accessible to the general reader.” Ann Gauger, Senior Research Scientist, Biologic Institute, Redmond, Washington