A pastor's counsel - wise words for weary, wounded and wandering sheep
This is a precious little book from the American Tract Society that is full of brief, pithy, wise counsel for every member of the church of Christ, as well as those who are outside of Christ. This is sage advice that will benefit the shepherd and the sheep alike. It will help the pastor give sensitive counsel to his own soul, his family and the flock of God entrusted to him, and it will guide the sheep through a variety of perplexities they will face on their journey heavenward.
Publisher: Solid Ground Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781599251578
A Pastor's Counsel is another such treasure. A Pastor's Counsel draws upon the wisdom of a number of godly men such as Jonathan Edwards and Philip Doddridge. Whether you are a Pastor or not you will certainly find food for your soul and for those that you minister to in this power-packed little volume. Because the book is under 100 pages you may consider reading it out loud to your family at meal time around the table. Solid Ground is doing a great service in finding treasures that otherwise may be left buried beneath the dust of the ages. Keep up the good work." Ray Rhodes, Jr. is President of Nourished in the Word Ministries