Select sermons from the pastoral epistles
THE 1831 ADVERTISEMENT - In offering this selection of Sermons to the publick, the publisher has not been governed by Sectarian principles, but has selected Sermons upon various subjects, that the reader may understand the general doctrine held forth by this eminent divine. Calvin's Sermons were translated and published in England, about the year 1580; since which date we have no account of an edition having been published. In consequence of the imperfection of the English Language when these Sermons were formerly published, it was found necessary to revise them, and correct the language; but in so doing, particular care has been taken to preserve precisely the original meaning."
Publisher: Solid Ground Christian Books
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781599253206
This French theologian and Genevan pastor is one of the most preeminent of all the 16th-century Christian reformers. After learning about Martin Luther’s teachings, Calvin passionately embraced Reformation beliefs, sharing his conversion story in his Commentary on the Psalms. Writing this book of Psalms commentary put Calvin at great risk, given that many of his fellow believers were being martyred at the stake for their beliefs. He was not daunted, however, and another of the John Calvin books is now known as Protestantism’s magnum opus: The Institutes of the Christian Religion. Additional books of note include A Guide to Christian Living, which offers clear direction to believers, and encouragement to everyone wanting to live according to the Gospel; and Truth for All Time, this book written to show French monarchs the beliefs of Protestants in the country.
"Calvin's sermons from the Pastoral Epistles are rich indeed! In these sermons you see Calvin the pastor applying Scripture to his people, pointedly rebuking sin, warmly encouraging his people to resting the gospel, and calling for the evangelization of the nations. This is valuable reading." - Ray Van Neste, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Studies, Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University