The King in His Beauty‚ The Piety of Samuel Rutherford
“The King in His Beauty” introduces readers to the life and writings of Samuel Rutherford (1600–1661). Matthew Vogan’s biographical introduction traces the significant events of this Scottish theologian’s life and guides readers through his writings, focusing on his distinctive insight into Christian experience. In forty-three excerpts drawn from Rutherford’s letters, major treatises, catechism, and sermons, readers will discover the depth of Rutherford’s compassion, piety, and theological wisdom, all rooted in his unwavering love for Christ.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601781253
Matthew Vogan lives in Inverness, Scotland, with his wife, Janet, and son, Joseph. He is a ruling elder in the Inverness congregation of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland and author of various articles for a number of periodicals. He works in local government as a project manager.
"Ever heard a foreign language and thought, 'That's beautiful. I'd love to understand that, or even speak like that'? You may have a similiar sensation as you read Samuel Rutherford's moving descriptions of Jesus Christ and His loving interactions with needy sinners. While the heavenly language and passionate experiences may initally seem strange to our shallow minds and cold hearts, Christians will find themselves enraptured and enticed to a deeper, higher, and wider knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ as they read these beatiful words." David P. Murray, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary