An All-Surpassing Fellowship: Learning from Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Communion with God
In An All-Surpassing Fellowship, David P. Beaty introduces us to the spiritual life of Robert Murray M‘Cheyne. After giving an overview of the life of this remarkable Scottish pastor, Beaty analyzes M‘Cheyne’s study of the Bible, prayer life, pursuit of holiness, eternal perspective, and dependence on the Holy Spirit to see the rich contribution they made to his communion with God. Yet Beaty conducts these investigations with a view toward application—learning from M‘Cheyne that which will help us walk more closely with Christ. See why M‘Cheyne’s communion with God has encouraged many believers over the years, and be encourage yourself to seek that same sweet fellowship with the Lord.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601783158
David P. Beaty (DMin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is pastor of River Oaks Community Church, Clemmons, North Carolina. He and his wife, Beth, have two children, Anna and Matthew.
“How desperate is Scotland— and indeed the whole world—for a new move of God! How timely is this reminder of what God can do with a surrendered life. Beaty does a masterful job in not just walking us through M‘Cheyne’s life, but in revealing afresh the source of M‘Cheyne’s blessings: a holy, prayerful dependence on the Savior. This is much more than a biography; it is a call to seriously pursue God in our century.” — Michael D. McMullen, professor of church history, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary