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A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ

Stanley D Gale

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The grace that stimulates the fruit and maturity of a sanctified life comes to us through Jesus Christ. We bear much fruit only as we abide in Him. In A Vine-Ripened Life, author Stanley Gale points us to Jesus, the Vine of life of John 15, in whom we, as branches, must live and grow to bear the fruit of a grace-grown life. He explains, “Having begun in Christ we remain in Christ, continuing to draw our life from Him and maturing in grace.” With pastoral sensitivity and an engaging style, Gale teaches readers both about the fruit of Christian character and how to cultivate it. Questions at the end of each chapter make this an ideal study for individuals or groups.

Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601783431


Stanley D. Gale serves as senior minister of The Reformed Presbyterian Church, West Chester, Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous books and articles, leads seminars on various topics, and is the founder of Community Houses of Prayer.


“An authentic Christian is ‘rooted’ in Christ, the Vine, and the result will be ‘fruit, more fruit, and much fruit.’ If there is a root, there will be fruit. Nurturing a growing, fruit-bearing life is called discipleship. Here is a volume that not only outlines and defines the ‘vine-ripened life’ in Christ but also provides an effective disciple-making tool. With no hesitation and with great anticipation I recommend this biblically accurate and discipleship-friendly volume thoughtfully prepared by Stan Gale for the reader and the disciple-maker.” Harry Reeder, pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, and author of Embers to a Flame