How Should I Exercise Hospitality?
Hospitality, or showing love to strangers, is a Christian duty (Rom. 12:13). It does not require fine china, multiple courses, or perfectly clean and decorated homes. It requires that we share our time, homes, meals, and fellowship with others—and if we understand salvation as God showing hospitality to former enemies, we will want to do so. Thinking through the practical issues of inviting people into our homes can make practicing it easier. This booklet presents seven ways that can help us think practically about how to follow our Lord’s command in this area.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601785473
Rebecca VanDoodewaard is a wife, mother, and author of several books. She and her husband lived many places before moving to Grand Rapids. --This text refers to the paperback edition.
This is one of those little booklets that could have massive consequences---for good and for eternity. As I read it, I caught a beautiful and inspiring vision of biblical hospitality. But I also got multiple common-sense practical suggestions to help turn the dream into reality. May God use these pages to transform many thousands of homes into welcoming havens of gospel-centered friendship and fellowship. David Murray, professor of Old Testament and practical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor in the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan