The pursuit of glory, finding satisfaction in Christ alone
Author Jeffrey Johnson begins The Pursuit of Glory with this observation: 'You and I are looking for something. Though we may not know exactly what it is, we continue to search for it. What is it? It is glory.' Explaining this pursuit as part of our human condition, the author considers the ways we try to fill that empty place in our hearts through happiness, purpose, freedom, companionship, truth, peace, holiness, and life. He shows us, from Scripture and personal experiences, why and how we will ultimately find satisfaction when our search leads us to the glory of God. Each chapter includes questions for further thought, making this an engaging and useful book both for individuals and groups.
Publisher: Free Grace Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601785985
Pastor Jeff is Professor of Expository Preaching, Covenant Theology, Ecclesiology, Apologetics. He is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church, the Owner/Operator of Free Grace Press and a graduate of Veritas Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books including The Fatal Flaw of the Theology Behind Infant Baptism, Behind the Bible: Introduction to Textual Criticism, The Church: Why Bother?, The Kingdom of God, The Absurdity of Unbelief, The Pursuit of Glory, and He Died for Me.
Jeffrey Johnson has provided a marvelously helpful little book that focuses on the real heart issues of life. This is an excellent book to give to both unbelievers and believers. As I read, I easily saw how this book could be used in evangelism as well as in basic counseling situations. It is well written, straightforward, pastorally wise, and full of Scripture. This book is a wonderfully useful tool in helping us get to the issues that drive our hearts and to see the all-satisfying Christ as the ultimate goal of all our pursuits. May the Lord use it to bring many to Himself and strengthen many of His children in a closer walk with Him. Brian Borgman, author of Feelings and Faith