Encouragement, adrenaline for the soul
In a crisis, the body’s burst of adrenaline can boost the average person’s physical abilities, so that a man is able to lift a car off a trapped bicyclist and a mother can fight off a polar bear threatening her son. Author Mark Chanski makes the case that encouragement is able to do emotionally and psychologically for the soul what adrenaline does for the body. While Christians are sometimes reluctant to offer encouragement, we must do so in order to love our neighbors as ourselves. Building on the foundation of the gospel as the ultimate encouragement from God, the author—using quotations, historical references, illustrations, and examples—sets forth the Christian’s obligation to offer encouragement and then shows us how we can be encouraging in our families, in our churches, and in the world.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601786623
Mark Chanski has labored as a full-time pastor since 1986 in churches in Ohio and Michigan. He has been Pastor of Harbor Reformed Baptist Church in Holland, Michigan since 1994. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Cornerstone University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He teaches Hermeneutics for the Reformed Baptist Seminary in Sacramento, CA. Mark is married to his wife Dianne, and has four sons and one daughter (born 1983 to 1994). He has also authored Manly Dominion, In a Passive-Purple-Four-Ball World (2004); and Womanly Dominion: More than a Gentle and Quiet Spirit (2008).
“We all thrive on encouragement, and at some point or other we’ve all wished we were more encouraged. Many of us have relationships with people whom we wish we could encourage more effectively. Chanski’s book dives deep into the topic of encouragement and shows us how and why God has designed us to thrive on this ‘adrenaline for the soul.’ Parents, friends, siblings, coworkers—everybody will find tremendous resources for their own hearts and their relationships in this book. You’ll see from Scripture and experience how the words we use to build each other up can impact both somebody’s day and even a lifetime.” Gloria Furman, author of Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full