How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience?
In Walt Disney’s classic animated movie Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket sings, “Always let your conscience be your guide.” The Bible confirms that the human conscience is real and important, but it also shows that our conscience can lead us astray. It has been twisted by sin and may tell us that right is wrong and wrong is right. So, when can we trust our conscience? In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul explains that we must calibrate our conscience according to the Bible. With practical application, he shows how studying Scripture helps us, by God’s grace, to build a mature Christian conscience. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.
Publisher: Ligonier Ministries
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781642890501
R. C. Sproul, the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, was known for his ability to communicate the deep truths of the Christian faith. He wass president of Reformation Bible College, preached at Saint Andrew's Chapel, and teached on the daily rad
‘One of the many things I love about R.C.Sproul is that he helps you think through the subject that he is writing about.He lets you know where he stands on the matter,not by slugging you with a sledge hammer,but in a gracious and gentle way.I think this is one of the reasons why his books have had a substantial audience.His gracious,thoughtful and engaging manner is especially evident on this subject-the conscience,because there is so much divergent thought on this teaching… I enjoy it when Sproul takes a common statement(or worldly philosophy)and reveals the folly behind such thinking.He does this in chapter two with the assertion(that I have often heard)'you can't legislate morality'.Any society that buys into that would end up in complete chaos.This chapter also has helpful commentary on 'the natural law that is built into creation',and the importance of living by principle. Subsequent chapters have helpful discussion on ethics and morality(they are not the same),legalism,antinominianism and some excellent observations on Joseph Fletcher's very influential 'situational ethics'.Of all the books in the crucial question series(there are seventeen at present)this book has been the most helpful to me,mainly because there are so few good books on the conscience(at least that I'm aware of).This is one of the best,if not 'the best'. Joseph J.Adrian