The moon is always round
Even young children want answers to the hard questions about God and suffering. In The Moon Is Always Round, seminary professor and author Jonathan Gibson uses the vivid imagery of the moon to explain to children how God’s goodness is always present, even when it might appear to be obscured by upsetting or difficult circumstances.
In this beautiful, full-color illustrated book, he allows readers to eavesdrop on the conversations he had with his young son in response to his sister’s death. Father and son share a simple liturgy together that reminds them that, just as the moon is always round despite its different phases, so also the goodness of God is always present throughout the different phases of life.
A section in the back of the book offers further biblical help for parents and caregivers in explaining God’s goodness to children. Jonathan Gibson reminds children of all ages that God’s goodness is present in the most difficult of times, even if we can’t always see it.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781645070276
Jonathan Gibson (PhD, Cambridge) is ordained in the International Presbyterian Church, UK, and is associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He is coeditor with Mark Earngey of Reformation Worship, contributor to and coeditor with David Gibson of From Heaven He Came and Sought Her, and Covenant Continuity and Fidelity: A Study of Inner-Biblical Allusion and Exegesis in Malachi. He is married to Jacqueline, and they have two children: Benjamin and Leila.
“It is with the greatest pleasure and sense of privilege that I commend this book about Leila, Jonny and Jackie Gibson’s precious, stillborn daughter. As I held Leila’s tiny lifeless body in my arms, I wondered what great things God would do through her brief, mainly hidden, life in this world. May this beautiful and poignant reflection, from a loving and devoted father, bring God’s compassion and comfort to many. She being dead yet speaks—Leila the Evangelist!”
Ian Hamilton, Former minister of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, England