Under God, Over The People
Under God, Over the People: The Calling and Accountability of Civil Government speaks biblical truth directly into our situation as churches today as we increasingly face government interference and intervention in the life of the local church. This precise and yet, accessible work draws and expounds upon the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith on the subject of the Civil Magistrate, its calling and its accountability.
Publisher: Broken Wharfe
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781739972745
Oliver Allmand-Smith is married to Alison, and they have been blessed with six children. He is also a trustee of International Reformed Baptist Seminary (IRBS), Reformation Today and African Pastor’s Conferences. He has been a pastor at Trinity Grace Church, Ramsbottom, for over twenty years.
"This is an excellent piece of work; I have much enjoyed reading it, because of its relevance and the way it uses the Confession in subjection to Scripture. We have so long enjoyed relative tranquillity that we have become pragmatists in our attitude to authority, adopting either an unhealthy acceptance of all that the state proposes or an aggressive belligerence. Chapter 5 most helpfully maintains a clear distinction between active rebellion and civil disobedience. The difference between the spheres of authority is most important here. It is also important to be able to remind the magistrate of his duty to uphold righteousness which is defined by God's Law. This may prove costly. We are facing an imminent challenge from those who would restrict our praying and counselling against sin. Clearly our opponents are fearful of the spiritual weapons given to us; which are mighty in God to the pulling down of strong holds.’ -Dr. Robert Oliver, minister, former lecturer in Church History at London Theological Seminary and former pastor of Bradford On Avon Baptist Church, UK.