Staying fresh: serving with joy
How can we maintain an intimate relationship with God in a busy world? How do we read the Bible to feed our souls, rather than "professionally", looking for the next talk we have to deliver? How do we care for ourselves and avoid either burn-out or rust-out? Paul Mallard has written Staying Fresh for everyone involved in ministry, at whatever level that may be. While he acknowledges the importance of conviction and competence, his primary emphasis here is on character. He is passionate about the importance of integrity, of persevering in prayer and discipleship, of never giving up in our battle with sin and our service for Christ. "But even if you are not a leader and never aspire to be one,' he says, 'I hope that what you learn here will help you to maintain the freshness of young love."
Publisher: IVP
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781783591930
Paul Mallard is a pastor at Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath, England.
This book is pure gold-dust. It is the best book I know of for encouraging the serving pastor to maintain spiritual vitality in their life and ministry. A great book from a seasoned pastor-preacher and leader. Highly recommended. Max