True love, What the Bible Says About Relationships and Marriage
Here are just a few of the messages that young people today are constantly exposed to:
• You’re missing out if you don’t have sex.
• Marriage is out of date.
• Casual sex is OK.
• Sex is the goal of a night-out.
• Sex is all about me and my satisfaction.
• Sex can be experienced without consequences.
• There are no rights and wrongs in relationships, just what we prefer.
• Sex is a means of securing love.
This book shows these things to be the half-truths and lies that they are, and points young people to what the Bibles teaches. Singleness and marriage are shown to be God’s gifts and ‘going out’ something that can be done in a God-honouring way. The temptations – pornography, masturbation, homosexuality and social networking – are discussed. There is practical pastoral help in a section ‘What to do if you have made mistakes.’ The authors are the founders of Lovewise, a charity which seeks to help schools and youth groups by providing presentations on the subjects of marriage, sex and relationships from a Christian perspective.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781783970230
Dr. Chris Richards is a Consultant Paediatrician in Newcastle upon Tyne. He is married and has four children. He is a deacon at Gateshead Presbyterian Church. Dr. Liz Jones is a retired Community Paediatrician. She is married with three married daughters and seven grandchildren. With her husband, she attends Welbeck Road Evangelical Church, Newcastle upon Tyne.