Truth, lies and science education
Most of us are totally unaware of what actually goes on in the teaching environment in the classroom. We may attend parents' evenings and discuss with the teacher the progress of our children in the classroom. We help with (and sometimes actually do) our children's homework. Parents and grandparents will talk with their children and grandchildren about what they are taught, but the children are unable to explain why they are taught what they are taught or what are the philosophical ideologies behind the teaching. In this carefully researched book, Paul Taylor powerfully and devastatingly brings to light the underlying thinking that is the basis for so much of what is taught in our modern schools
Publisher: Day One
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846250712
Paul Taylor spent seventeen years teaching science in state schools, eventually becoming a Head of Department, and gaining a Masters degree in Science Education at Cardiff University. He became a Christian in his late teens. His first book, Just Six Days, arranged contemporary creationist thinking into biblical order as a commentary of Genesis chapters 1 to 11. Paul joined the Answers in Genesis (UK/Europe) in August 2005 as a writer and speaker. He is a regular contributor to the AiG website and Answers Magazine and is busy writing numerous articles, many of which are published in various Christian magazines. Paul is also an engaging speaker, and has made several TV and radio appearances, debating leading evolutionists.
Students spend more time with their teachers/professors than they do with their parents in learning to understand what life is all about. As a result, their formalized education has a great impact on their worldview...a valiant attempt to tackle this issue head on to engage the education system & parents in understanding the realities of what is being taught to children & how they are being conformed to a secular way of thinking about every aspect of reality. Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis, USA