To be a Pilgrim: Further Reflections on the Psalms of Ascents
The Psalms of Ascents were sung by Israelites as they made their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As pilgrim songs, they provide a way for believers to express their fears, needs, and aspirations as they journey through this life. These psalms are also the songs of Jesus. In this book and its companion volume, This Brief Journey, discover how these ancient songs of Israel affect your faith today, point you to the future, and help you keep your eyes on Christ every step of the way.
Publisher: Day One
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846253553
Rhett Dodson is the pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Hudson, Ohio. He previously served as an associate pastor and seminary professor. He and his wife Theresa live in Hudson.
The Psalms of Ascents still throb with the ancient excitement of a people going to meet their God in worship. Dr. Rhett Dodson writes with the heart of a pastor as well as the background of a scholar. His devout treatment of these psalms reminds us that they were written for us as well as for the generations of Israelites who first sang them. Revd. Peter Lewis, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Evangelical Church, Nottingham, UK, and author of The Genius of Puritanism