Genesis 1-11 a verse by verse commentary
The book of Genesis is fundamental, opening God’s revelation to man. Many evangelical Christians have tried to downplay its significance by suggesting that the opening chapters of the book need not be taken in a plain, straightforward way. It is in the midst of such theological confusion that this commentary makes a case for reading the Scripture in general, and Genesis in particular, in a straightforward way, without the tortuous positioning of arguments trying to accommodate evolutionary sophistry. In our approach to Genesis we must come humbly before it and allow the Scriptures themselves to reveal their amazing truth, rather than seek to use sources outside Scripture to interpret the text. In this commentary Andy McIntosh considers the most attacked part, Genesis 1–11, which is the major historical timeline from the creation of the universe through Adam to Noah, and on through the worldwide Flood to Abraham.
Publisher: Day One
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846255113
Andy McIntosh was until 2014 Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory at the University of Leeds. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is now a visiting research professor at Leeds. A well-known speaker on creation both in the UK and overseas, he is also the author of Genesis For Today (Day One, 5th edn. 2014). He is married and currently has six grandchildren.