All you need to know about the Bible book 3 have we got the right book
If the Bible really is what it claims to be — the final and authoritative revelation from God — it is essential that we should be certain that in the sixty-six books that make up its pages we have exactly what God intended to be there, no more and no less.
It is commonplace today, among atheists, Muslims and an unthinking and gullible public, to suggest that we have all the wrong books in the Bible or that it was a mere lottery which ones eventually entered the ‘canon’, or collection of books. In this third book in the series we examine the question of how the collection of books came into existence; a collection that would be divine in its authorship, fixed in its number, and final in its authority. Where did the idea of collecting the books together come from?
Publisher: Day One
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781846255861
Brian H. Edwards is a Christian Author, Lecturer and Teacher based in the United Kingdom. Brian is married to Rosie.
His over twenty books include historical biographies, Christian theology and apologetics. He is also chairman of Christian Prison Resourcing. His wider ministry includes preaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad.
Brian Edwards is the go to author about the bible.