When Christians Suffer
Thomas Case, a prisoner of the Lord during dark days for the gospel in England, believed that ‘Discourses on affliction can never be out of season . . . Providence has so ordered that whosoever will follow the Lord fully like Caleb (Num. 14:24) will be exposed to the world’s hatred, but the glorious Spirit will rest upon them (1 Pet. 4:14). With persuasive arguments drawn from God’s Word and verified by his own experience, he convinces us that God’s rod and God’s love may stand together, for ‘the Lord disciplines those he loves’. Here is sweet comfort for all of Christ’s cross-bearing disciples.
Publisher: Banner of Truth
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781848710429
Thomas Case (1598-1682) was born at Boxley, Kent where his father, George Case, was vicar. He seems to have been converted at a very young age. He obtained his BA (1620) and MA (1623) at Christ Church, Oxford, before being ordained in the diocese of Norwich in 1626.
This is the clearest to the point writing on this subject I have read. I am 81 and have been reading and studying God’s Word most of my life. A friend shared his copy with me and I see it as a vital tool in every believer’s hand. Too many of us use the question ‘why’ without ever going to God’s Word where we are told we will suffer – if – we faithfully follow Christ Jesus. Thank you for publishing this little yet powerful booklet! I praise God for Thomas Case’s love for the Lord and for his writings. I pray God’s blessings upon each of you that work with publishing and pray each of you will take the time to read When Christians Suffer. Marilyn L. Sedgwick