A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized his faithful presentation of the ‘gospel of the grace of God’.
‘Our God is a God of might, and a God of right, and a God of mercy, and a God of truth. On these four attributes, as on four massive blocks of granite, does the soul venture safely to build her eternal hopes.’ — ARCHIBALD G. BROWN
Publisher: Banner of Truth
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781848712973
Archibald Geikie Brown (1844-1922) was born in London in 1844. He was impressed in boyhood under the ministry of C. H. Spurgeon in the Surrey Music Hall and Exeter Hall, but was actually led to decision for Christ through a personal appeal made to him by S. A. Blackwood...Desiring to become a minister, he entered Pastors’ College, and was sent, before he was nineteen, to start a Baptist cause at Bromley, Kent...His name became a household word in East London, and the Tabernacle witnessed many memorable scenes—none, perhaps, more remarkable than the great Saturday evening prayer meetings which formed a fitting prelude to Sundays of grace and power.
Very surprised that Brown one of Spurgeon’s closest friends and helpers is not better known. To read his preaching is to see how much is missing from too much modern preaching. To read him is to prize him! Iain Murray