The stain that stays, the church response to the sexual misconduct of its leaders
What should happen to pastors who fall to sexual misconduct? Should they return, repentant, to their pulpits within weeks or months - or should they return at all.
Around the world sexual misconduct is knocking ministers from their ministry. As the numbers grow it is crucial to know what should happen to them - for their good and for the good of the Church. Should they return, repentant, to their pulpits within weeks or months - or should they return at all?
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781857925838
John H. Armstrong, president of Reformation & Revival Ministries since 1991, serves the church in a variety of ways - among them speaking at conferences, pastoral care, teaching resources, book, He was a pastor for twenty-one years, the last sixteen at Trinity Baptist Church, Wheaton. John and his wife, Anita and have two adult children and one grandchild. He lives in Carol Stream, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.
"This is a pastoral letter from a sinner to sinners, composed with gracious humility. Above all The Stain that Stays is biblical. John Armstrong has done his homework. It deserves a wide reading by pastors, denomination leaders, church elders, and all who love the church."
R. Kent Hughes, Visiting Professor of Pastoral Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania