John G. Paton, South Sea Island Rescue
‘They plan to kill you all! You must get out!’ With that warning John Paton and his friends grabbed what little possessions they had and fled into the jungle. The Warrior Chief of Tanna was taking revenge on the mission man who threatened his power and the hold he had over the ordinary men and women of the island. John has to run for his life! In the heat and humidity of the South Sea Island, John G Paton is far away from his Scottish home. And as he runs for his life he is thinking of rescue… a rescue for himself from the dangers all around and a rescue for the thousands of South Sea Islanders who still don’t know about Jesus Christ and the love of God.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781857928525
The Christian legacy of this amazing missionary is still felt today in the South Sea Islands. Reading true life stories like this help us realise what difficulties really are. John G Paton was no stranger to struggle. This is not the story of a gentleman missionary who wilts at the first hardship. This man went through the school of hard knocks to become a missionary in one of the toughest areas of Glasgow - and then on to the savage tribes of the South Sea Islands. Being a missionary is hard - it certainly was back then. For many their very life was in the balance and John G Paton was no exception. Cannibals and warring tribes were daily dangers. Catherine MacKenzie, Author and CF4K Editor