Cross Talking: A daily gospel for transforming addicts
At the onset of biblical counseling, I want the addict to have a daily reinforcement of the biblical truths on addiction. Crosstalking: A Daily Gospel for Transforming Addicts is a 45-day devotional that I ask the struggling addicts with whom I work to read daily so they can accomplish two readings of the entire book in 90 days. These Gospel-centered devotionals offer an easy to understand, clear teaching of the Bible applied to their hearts. Many people will read through it more than twice, but I want them to go through this short and simple book at least two times. More direct and intensive help for the addict is found in my books, The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective and the accompanying workbook, but sometimes a good place to start is with this daily devotional or perhaps Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies. Mark E. Shaw
Publisher: Focus Publishing
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781885904843
Mark E. Shaw D.Min, is the Founder of The Addiction Connection where he leads a growing national and international team of servant leaders who offer the Hope of the Gospel for the Heart of Addiction. Author of numerous books and booklets on addictions and biblical counseling, he serves his local church as the Director of Counseling at Grace Fellowship Church in Florence, KY.