Life Transforming Truth - An introduction to the doctrines of grace
The body looks healthy on the outside, but inside a sickness has set in. With the line between truth and error blurred, theological distinctives considered inconsequential, and the pulpit becoming the focal point of a commitment to entertainment rather than the faithful ministry of the Word of God, postmodern evangelicalism is suffering from theological anemia. In spite of this weakening state, a strengthening cure is available.In Life transforming truth: an introduction to the doctrines of grace, William E. Payne has provided the mega-vitamins so needed today. With a thoroughly biblical approach coupled with clarity of thought and expression, Life-transforming truth is the perfect primer for a weak and ailing Christian church. Explaining and amplifying “the doctrines of grace with the grace of the doctrines,” Pastor Payne provides answers to the profound questions of those struggling with the wonderful truth of God’s sovereign grace while strengthening and bringing a deeper understanding to those already embracing these God-honouring doctrines. Understanding depravity – Rejoicing in election – Affirming particular redemption – Effectual calling – Explaining perseverance – Exploring regeneration – Declaring justification – Experiencing sanctification – The privilege of adoption – The hope of glorification. Be prepared to be challenged and changed as you read these pages and discover God’s gracious dealings with humankind. These truths will transform your life – from the inside out – as you consider God’s wonderful kindness to a sinful world.
Publisher: Joshua Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781894400114
Born in Liverpool, England, Pastor William E. Payne immigrated to Canada in 1959. After studying at Toronto Baptist Seminary, he pastored two churches before founding Trinity Baptist Church in Burlington, Ontario where he served until his promotion to glory in 1997. While giving leadership to the Reformed movement in Canada, Bill also taught Pastoral Theology and Homiletics for 15 years at Toronto Baptist Seminary.