2 Timothy - Faithful To The End
The church is only one generation from extinction. The societies of our world stand in opposition to Jesus Christ, while false teachers seem to run rampant through churches, destroying faith and denying God's power. Inside and outside church, people ridicule, intimidate and oppose anyone who sticks to the Bible. How can true Christianity survive? This was the situation that the apostle Paul faced, in prison, near the end of his life, and looking to his younger co-worker, Timothy, to take the gospel to the next generation. In this deeply personal letter to his spiritual 'heir', we have the last written words of the man who had laboured so long and hard, against such odds, to build Christ's church. Are you demoralised? Feeling cowardly? Tempted to be ashamed of the gospel? Stand in Timothy's shoes, as you work through these seven studies. Listen to the testimony, the encouragements and the commands of the apostle Paul - and get yourself thoroughly equipped for every good work. You too can fight the good fight, finish the race and receive the reward given to those who are faithful to the end.
Publisher: Good Book Company
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781905564569
Mark Mulryne is associate minister at St John’s and St Mark’s church Great Clacton in Esssex. He is married to Caroline and has two young children. Mark is originally from Northern Ireland and taught Physics in a secondary school before training for the ministry at Oak Hill College.
"God-centered, application-oriented, and driven by the text throughout, this resource is a gift to God’s church." Matt Smethurst, Gospel Coalition reviewer and Master of Divinity student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary