Elijah: A man just like us
Elijah burst into Israel’s history at a time of idolatry and evil. Through him it was confronted and exposed by God. But this man, just like us, also knew weakness and failure. Not so much a mighty man, as a man serving the mighty God. In God’s grace, Elijah persevered, and revealed God’s mighty sovereignty, grace, power, justice, and salvation. Christians today face the same pressures that Elijah experienced. Elijah’s ups and downs speak to us too.
Publisher: Good Book Company
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781909559240
Dr. Liam Goligher succeeded Dr. Phil Ryken as the new Senior Minster at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. He previously pastored Duke Street Baptist Church in London. He studied in Belfast and has pastored churches in Ireland, Canada and his native Scotland
An excellent set of bible studies on Elijah. Used this with a small women's fellowship group and the studies were easy enough to do without any prep at all. We just picked up the guide and read the questions and worked our way through together. We loved having the answers in the back for when we got stuck! Laura Pyke