The Road Once Travelled: Fresh thoughts on Catholicism
...millions of Catholics, whilst still calling themselves Catholics, have a crisis of faith. According to research done by the Catholic Church they are feeling confused, bored, dissatisfied, disenchanted, frustrated, and guilty. Mark Gilbert was one of them. The road he was travelling as a Catholic—a road that began from the moment he was born—didn't seem to be taking him where he wanted to go. But God intervened, and showed Mark that the answer was not far away from him all the time. And when he gave up his own journey, and put his trust in the journey that the Lord Jesus Christ had already taken on his behalf, Mark's life changed completely for the better. In The Road Once Travelled, Mark Gilbert invites those who are on the same road as he was to look for and find the answer. More specifically, he invites them to read the Bible for themselves and to discover that Jesus is the perfect answer to boring irrelevant religion; Jesus is the perfect answer to the desire for good, wise and strong leadership; and Jesus is the perfect answer to the problem of guilt. The Road Once Travelled is a gentle, attractively presented, full-colour booklet (64 pages) which is an ideal evangelistic resource for giving to practicing Catholics or those who have given up any meaningful practise of their Catholic faith.
Publisher: Matthias Media
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921441875