Too wise to be mistaken, too good to be unkind - christian parents contend with autism
In Too Wise to be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind, you will join David, Cathy, and Drew Steere on their difficult, yet remarkable journey into the complex world of autism. More than a “how-to” manual on dealing with a special needs child, this is the heartwarming testimony of two parents who placed their trust in their faithful Heavenly Father and lovingly persevered in training Drew in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. A powerful testimony to the sufficiency of Scripture in all of life.
Publisher: Grace & Truth Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781930133037
Cathy Steere and her husband, David, live in Washington state and homeschool their two sons, Drew and Elliot. She is author of Too Wise to be Mistaken, Too Good to be Unkind. They are members of Providence Reformed Baptist Church of Tacoma. Cathy has contributed magazine articles on autism and is frequently consulted to assist parents of special needs children. Drew is now (as of 2018) a thriving adult serving well in home, church, and community.
“Too Wise To Be Mistaken, Too Good To Be Unkind is excellent in every way. This emotional story of how the Steeres approached their responsibilities as parents demonstrates how we all should approach our responsibilities — with the Bible as our guide. They persevered even when the outcome was not as they expected. I believe that Cathy Steere is the expert regarding Drew. But when they consulted “experts”, they were told that the structure they had provided was just what he needed. This structure is providing continual progress. One lesson of great encouragement: God equips us for the task He gives.” Maggie Dail, M.A. in Special Education