Gospel Love: Grace Relationships and Everything that Gets in the Way - Book 3
Gospel Love, a ten-session small group resource, helps participants examine their relationships and learn how the gospel of Jesus Christ frees them to love others. Topics covered include barriers to loving others, how love is an expression of faith, the role of the Spirit in relationships, honesty vs. judging, and how to live with forgiveness and compassion. With user-friendly small group activities and questions rooted in Scripture, this small group study includes a leader's guide and is suitable for small groups and individual mentoring. Other books in series are Gospel Identity and Gospel Growth. These can be used as stand-alone products.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781936768745
Serge means “joining together rough edges to form a smooth seam.” Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission) is a ministry that sees God weaving together the ragged parts of a fallen world with God’s goodness, making the tattered beautiful. This grace compels God’s people to go, to join their lives with the communities Serge serves around the world, as Christ makes all things new.
"Many Christian resources focus either on biblical study to the neglect of deep personal life transformation or on life application based on a very flattened understanding of the gospel. Serge has drawn upon their history of rich gospel-based training to produce a series that targets real-life transformation grounded in a robust, grace-based theology. Only a resource saturated in the gospel can lead to the kind of meaningful life change promised to us in the Bible, and I am thrilled to see such a resource now available." David H. Kim, Director of the Gotham Initiative, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC