Moving On Beyond Forgive and Forget
You have been deeply hurt by someone—wounded physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually by their actions. How do you move forward and walk out biblical forgiveness? And what makes forgiveness “biblical?” Ruth Ann Batstone, a child abuse survivor and experienced counselor, has wrestled deeply with these questions and now gives practical, God-honoring direction to others who have been hurt and can’t just “forgive and forget.” Batstone’s Moving On presents a compassionate and nuanced exploration of what forgiveness is and is not. It looks honestly at the realities of deep hurt and offers concrete direction for working through the process of forgiveness. Batstone points readers to Jesus, the man of sorrows and well acquainted with grief, as the one who understands their struggle and is with them each step of the way. His gospel is not a panacea for trouble, but it is the path through trouble as we keep our eyes fixed on him. Batstone doesn’t promise that we can forget the evil that has been done, but she does promise that we can grow in faith, hope, and love as we turn to Jesus daily. The material in Moving On has been taught by the author in small group, Bible study, and conference settings. Moving On includes interactive study questions for each chapter, making the book ideal for group discussions and proactive individual reading and reflection.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781942572831
Ruth Ann Batstone, MS, is a counselor, as well as a mentor for the Mentored Sonship Course at Serge. She is also Senior Staff Consultant with Parakaleo.us, an organization that trains and supports the wives of church planters in the United States and around the world. Ruth Ann lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband Stuart when they’re not traveling to teach and encourage Serge members on the field. They have four married children and twelve amazing grandchildren.
"Nothing is wasted, nothing is lost even when men betray, deceive, and seek to destroy our lives, because God forgives, restores, and redeems the evil. Ruth Ann tells her story of sexual abuse and betrayal with honesty and compassion as through the years she has immersed herself in God’s story of grace and forgiveness that brought healing to her life. And now the story goes forth with a message of hope to men and women whose lives have been shattered and broken by the evil done to them." Rose Marie Miller, Author of From Fear to Freedom and Nothing Is Impossible with God; coauthor of The Gospel-Centered Parent